A gaming review is something to describe a game on the app store.
In LPP I learnt how to use paragraphs and description.
LPP is a literacy task that includes writing, persistence and time.
My gaming review is about Minecraft PE.
I hope you like it.
Name of the game: Minecraft PE
Your name: Greer
Platform: Ipad
Multiplayer: Yes ⚪ No ⚪
Genre: Construction
Age level game would appeal to: 6+
Details (Aim/goal of the game, Setting, Characters - what the game is about):
The aim of the game is to try and survive or create!
There are two modes one is survival mode and the other mode is creative mode.
In survival you have to survive the night and try not to die by mobs.
Mobs are zombies, skeletons etc, you can travel your world and you can find super rare temples like the sea castle, jungle temples and sand temples.
Rating from 1-10 (10 is the highest score) and a comment about:
Smoothness: 7
Story: 8
Graphics: 9
Multiplayer: 5
What I like about the game: You can let your imagination run wild!
What I do not like about the game: The game can get really glitchy.
How would you rate this game overall (make your own rating system):
Would you recommend this game?
Why or why not?
I would recomend this game because you can do anything you want!