Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Apr 7, 2016 12:05:47 PM.jpg

My Learning Highlights in Term 1.

My learning highlights are… Dodgeball maths  and writing.

My highlights in term 1 is…  I give Persistence when it comes to dodgeball and curious about the last person that is standing. I like it when I get out. I like getting out because I get to sneak up on people and get them out. I like everything about dodge ball.

I like Maths  because it can be challenging.  Maths can make your brain work well. It can make your brain stronger.  Maths is cool.

I like writing  because It is challenging! I always like to use the computer and book. I love writing .

*Goal for term 2 is to persist with my learning that is writing and write like a year 4 instead of year 3.

By Greer!